Beauty Trends to Try: Our Makeup Artists Predictions for 2020
Our makeup artists are our eyes and ears—they are finely attuned to what’s going to be buzzy and beautiful for 2020. We think their predictions are right on the money. Here’s what they’re forecasting will be the beauty trends to try this year.

“This is the year of amazing skincare and beauty products that leave skin healthy and glowing.”–Sidney, Toronto

“I think Sylvie is always ahead: more and more customers are going to be interested in the anti-pollution protection elements in their skincare.”–Laura, London

"I see a bit of a backlash coming from the Instagram ‘overdone’ look–I think it’s going to be about not having completely perfect makeup but looking more natural, easy, uncomplicated."–Jon, London

Brows and Cheeks
“Brows and cheeks! I think perfectly filled, groomed, naturally shaped brows and cheeks that show off a beautiful smile are going to be everywhere.”–Wei, Toronto

“CBD! Everyone is talking about it. I think it’s going to huge and expand even more into beauty.”–Zuli, Boston

“This year I think we’re going to see a lot of shimmer and shine for the eyes–I think people are going to be more adventurous.”–Ramiro, Florida