We’re Blushing

2018 marks Chantecaille’s 20th anniversary! From the start, we’ve been fueled by a love for plants and flowers and animals, which has compelled us to partner with conservation efforts to raise awareness about their work in safeguarding endangered animals and environmental risks that urgently need our philanthropic support.

When we join with a brilliant conservation effort, we’re always looking for ways to further our support. To continue our committment, we’ve created a permanent cheek collection which pairs our celebrated shades with some of our most dear environmental partners. Our new, permanent Philanthropy Cheek Collection—six covetable, collectible compacts which feature our best-selling cheek shades embossed with an animal near and dear to us. Each shade supports a conservation effort we’ve partnered with in the past, proving that our commitment to their work is long-term.  

Turtle: Grace Cheek Shade

Deep Apricot

Pollutions, plastics and floating nets all pose a danger to sea turtles, ancient creatures that are endangered and struggling for survival. Chantecaille partnered with WIDECAST to focus on saving sea turtles to create a future where sea turtles and human communities can live together in balance.

Coral: Laughter Cheek Shade

Warm Peachy Pink

Today three quarters of the world’s coral reefs are at risk due to illegal fishing, global warming and pollution. Chantecaille proudly joins the Marine Conservation Institute in their efforts to protect 10% of the world’s oceans by 2020.

Elephant: Smitten Cheek Shade

Soft Peach

Elephants are key species in maintaining balance in their ecosystem—without them, other animals and local biodiversity are also in danger. Today up to 38,000 elephants are killed annually for their tusks, as ivory is seen as a symbol of wealth, power and status. We do not want to consider a world without elephants. Help save them by fostering orphan baby elephants with the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

Bee: Emotion Cheek Shade

Golden Coral

Bees pollinate the flowers and trees that produce our food. Pesticides and monocultures starve them, we need to keep wildflowers and untreated plants available to them to ensure their survival. We support The Xerces Society to protect bees and their habitats.

Horse: Joy Cheek Shade

Playful Pink

Cattle farms and oil drilling threaten to devastate the natural spaces wild horses need to roam and run free. These animals, who embody the spirit of freedom, deserve to live peacefully, and our future generations deserve to experience true, wild nature as well. Help by supporting the American Wild Horse Preservation.

Butterfly: Bliss Cheek Shade

Hint of Petal Pink

Every year the 3400 mile “miracle migration” of the Monarch Butterfly graces the autumn sky with blazes of orange. These butterflies, who are natural pollinators, are now on the endangered species list due to global warming, logging, lack of food and deforestation. We can help Monarch butterflies survive by supporting the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary.

Philanthropy Cheek Shades Collection

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