Makeup Artist Georgie Eisdell’s Secret Weapon? It’s Mascara. Lots of It.
Growing up in Australia, Georgie Eisdell dreamed of moving to Hollywood from an early age. The makeup artist who’s traveled the world with stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Dakota Fanning now calls L.A. home and is one of the most-requested red carpet masters in the biz. On the eve of the Oscars (and the finale of a whirlwind awards season), we chatted with the beauty maker about what she loves about her job (and what bugs her about it)—and had her answer our rapid-fire questions.

How did you get into makeup?
I was doing makeup for all the dance recitals and fashion shows at my school in Sydney when I was 16. I won an award when I was 17 for best hair and makeup for a regional dance and drama competition in Sydney after the pro hair and makeup artist pulled out at the last minute. I asked my mum to assist me! After that show, I realized I wanted to do this forever. I did my final year at school, then studied makeup and have been doing it ever since.
What’s it like to create such important looks for A-listers like GP, Thandie Newton and Claire Foy?
It’s exciting. I love being part of a team and creating an image for my clients. At times, for big awards shows where we may be taking a big risk, it can be scary while you're waiting for the images to come out to see if it worked or not—but most of the time it is a lot of fun. Creating these important looks is why I moved to LA—I would watch the Academy Awards and think, That’s what I want to be part of, I want these amazing women to go up there and look incredible because I did their makeup. It was always the dream.
"I live for the moment when the outfit goes on and they walk out the door or onto the set."
Is being on set with a photographer like Annie Liebovitz inspiring? Intimidating?
So inspiring and so fun! Not as intimidating as you would think. She was amazing to work with.
What is the thing you love most about your job?
I would have to say collaborating with other artists and stylists to create images and ideas. One of the things I love the most about my job is being flown around the world to create iconic looks for major award shows, I get to spend my time with people I admire and are inspired by every day. I love being around my insanely talented clients in their natural surroundings and getting to know who they really are. I live for the moment when the outfit goes on and they walk out the door or onto the set.
What is your least favorite thing about it?
The inconsistency of it. There are weeks when you work multiple jobs every day with no time off and other weeks when you wonder if you’ll ever work again. However, now that I have kids I don’t mind the downtime as much.
If you weren’t a makeup artist, what would you be?
A baby cuddler.
How will you recover after awards season?
I will most likely use the gift certificate I have for the Tomoko Day Spa and spend a weekend away with my man.
Eyeliner or mascara? Mascara
Best makeup trick? Blend, and when you think you have blended enough, blend a little bit more.
Is makeup a look or a mood? A look
You should never skip this makeup step: Shaping brows
To serum or not to serum? Not
Face oil or cream? Cream
My weirdest beauty habit is: People find it weird that I work with the eyes first and then the rest of the face. The other thing I do is apply mascara with the eyes closed completely.
I would never, ever wear: A foundation darker than my skin tone
I have this many lipsticks in my bag right now: I have so many it’s insane. In my kit there’s 85,0000. In my handbag, 4. Ha!
You'd never guess it, but: I am a huge Tom Cruise fan
Most underrated makeup tool: I love rollers and vibrating facial bars. They lift, depuff and massage the face on another level.
Foundation application: sponge, brush, fingers? For myself, fingers. With clients, a beauty blender.
Lip liner or eyeliner? Eyeliner
Are you a skincare minimalist or maximalist? Minimalist
3 makeup must-haves: Bronzer, mascara, brow pencil
What’s easier: doing your makeup or someone else's? I think they’re the same; however, I do mine in 4 minutes and my clients’ can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.
Magnifying mirror - dangerous or helpful? Dangerous
Masking in public is… fine on an airplane only.
I can’t leave the house without MASCARA on.
Bold lips or bold eyes? Eyes
I’m a pro at applying MASCARA in my car.
I keep backup MASCARA in my car.
My favorite person to work with is: Too hard to answer because I love all the amazing women I work with.
Awards season is MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR.
In my off-time, you’ll always find me… with my crazy kids.
Click here to see the radiant looks Georgie created for Gwyneth Paltrow and Thandie Newton.