Behind the Cause

Warming oceans and melting glaciers are a growing environmental crisis, with the polar regions being the most sensitive to global warming. Without ice, polar bears, arctic foxes, and many other species won’t survive. C02 emissions are rising without the ice’s reflective action to deflect heat—if this continues, emissions will skyrocket, gravely damaging our atmosphere.


In June of 2018, Alex and Philippe Chantecaille traveled to the North Pole with The Perfect World Foundation, accompanied by one of the world’s foremost Arctic explorers, Ola Skinnarmo, aboard an icebreaker traveling through Svalbard. Hoping to see polar bears and understand the grave situation of the shrinking ice caps, the Chantecaille siblings experienced an intrepid journey into nature that also provided a deep education into the mounting crisis of global warming. They returned to New York committed to find a way to inspire action and change.


In June of 2018, Alex and Philippe Chantecaille traveled to the North Pole with The Perfect World Foundation, accompanied by one of the world’s foremost Arctic explorers, Ola Skinnarmo, aboard an icebreaker traveling through Svalbard. Hoping to see polar bears and understand the grave situation of the shrinking ice caps, the Chantecaille siblings experienced an intrepid journey into nature that also provided a deep education into the mounting crisis of global warming. They returned to New York committed to find a way to inspire action and change.

Why Trees

The effect of trees on the atmosphere has proven to counter-act these warming effects, making young forests the hope for the future of our planet. The Attenborough Foundation has pledged to create an "Attenborough Canopy" and plant trees in Kenya as a protective measure against the growing crisis of global warming.

Chantecaille is joining in their initiative by committing to planting a tree for every sale of Lip Cristal lipstick.

Lip Veil - Supporting Space for Giants

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Lip Veil - Supporting Space for Giants

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Lip Veil - Supporting Space for Giants
